Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Sale

Don’t loose it! Sure the personal success and financial reward of selling is a big part of why we do this every day, but if we ever loose the fun in the art of selling, we are doomed. How much fun is this, anyway?

You get to meet a diverse and intriguing, often down right hilarious, assortment of people. You have massive freedom to learn and experiment with techniques and approaches. You can fail more than you succeed and still be a winner! You can help your clients.

What we do is fun. If you aren’t having fun, there is a pretty certain expectation that your clients aren’t enjoying your presentation either. Lighten up.

Try this. Today, make a commitment to ask someone to tell you a joke or share with you a funny story. Let them teach you something fun. Share a laugh and enjoy the selling experience. Fun makes fantastic selling. Spell sale – FUN.

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