Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Remembering to Say Thank You

Much is being said currently about these “slow” economic times and the added difficulty that sales people are experiencing as they work to close sales. As always, our minds turn to creating new streams of revenue and working hard to get results.

A word of caution and reminder is due here. Remember to say “Thank You” to your current client base. There are a number of solid reasons to spend some time and money on your existing clients now.

1. Nothing stings as bad as having one of your strong and faithful accounts go to another provider because they “just wanted my business more than you did.” The competition is out there shaking bushes and knocking down doors with a vengeance and the doors that they may be opening could be your clients. Don’t let your good clients forget how much you value them and their business.
2. Solid clients are often the source of new revenue. Those companies and people who have invested in your serves are probably among the strongest and smartest customers. They are no doubt dealing with the affects of the economy, as well. Solid companies are looking to make new and creative responses to the current situation and your services or products should be a part of that. Let them know you value their success and will work with them to create new revenue sources for them or make their process more profitable.
3. Your existing client base may need assurance that you and the company you represent are stable and ready to meet their needs. Calm their fears and assure them that you are in this together.

Today, make a list of the top 20% of your client base. Schedule time this week to touch base with them, preferably face-to-face to address any issues and inquire about any needs for the coming months. Remember to use a hand written thank you card and possibly a small gift to get their attention. You know your clients so you will know how to personalize something. Don’t let the persistence of someone looking for new customers rob you of your hard won and otherwise faithful client base. Say “Thank You” today!

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